Class size

Imagine that you need to maintain two applications. Both are about 20.000 lines of code. Now imagine that one has about 10 classes, and the other has 200 classes. Which one would you rather work with?

I’ve had discussions about whether you should favor many classes over fewer. When you only take into account the amount of functionality delivered through those classes, it doesn’t matter. The same functionality will be in the codebase, whether there are few classes or many. Since creating a new class takes effort (not much, but still), it’s easier to have a few big ones. One could say that having a few big classes would contain related functionality in the same files.

The amount of functionality in the system isn’t the only metric. The ease of adding functionality and solving defects, and unit-testing are examples of other metrics that should be taken into account.

Big classes usually have lots of private methods. So, how are you going to write unit-tests for them? Are you going to use reflection to make those methods accessible? Are you going to write extensive setup code to reach those methods? Or are you going to extract classes containing those methods, and make them publicly accessible?

How are you going to change the functionality? How are you going to fix defects? Big classes are big, and usually it’s hard to keep track of what’s going on. Because of this, you’re spending more time figuring out what the code is doing, and what it actually should do. The clearer the intention of your code, the less time you need to spend on getting to know what it’s doing.

Personally, I prefer lots of small classes. But how do we get there? When you’re presented with a legacy project, it requires a lot of refactoring. But beware, don’t just go out and refactor. If there are no issues, and the required functionality doesn’t change, that part of the codebase is just fine. On the other hand, when you start a new project, it’s a bit easier.

One of the first thing I’d recommend is to read up on the SOLID principles. SOLID stands for Single Responsibility, Open/Closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation and Dependency Inversion. Knowing and applying these principles will help you create a well-factored system. You probably won’t be able to apply these principles all of the time, but it definitely helps to know about them.

Put some tests in place, and make sure these tests are of the highest quality. The more and better tests you have, the more secure your refactorings will be. As an added bonus, you gain knowledge of and insight in the system you’re working on. As you progress with fixing defects and implementing new functionality, the amount of code under test will increase, and the faster you can develop and refactor.

Practice Test Driven Development. Write a test, make it pass, and refactor to optimise readability. Make sure you do the last step, TDD won’t work otherwise. TDD will help you create a clear system with very high test-coverage. And that coverage will be high quality.

Use as few if-statements and switch/cases as possible.Using as few conditionals as possible makes the codebase more usable, because it forces you to use more object oriented design. You could use an inheritance structure, or a table-/map-based approach. There may be other patterns, if you’re creative enough to discover them.


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